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ZiMM - Job Matching Tool
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ZiMM - Job Matching Tool

ZiMM | Job Matching Tool | Online Career & Employment Services Job Seekers: ZiMM – Be found! ZiMM is the interactive and user-friendly Job Matching Tool linking registered Job Seekers and Employers together in real time via their Android mobile device. Features Summary: • In-App professional portfolio building tools including: - Virtual resume writer - Video & Audio profile - Seamless upload of Cover Letter & Resume • In-App messaging incorporating push notifications • Multiple job preferences • Select salary expectation • Active/Inactive job search profile settings • Compatible with major smartphone, mobile computing and desktop devices Get started for free by downloading ZiMM now! Real Employers, Real Jobs in Real Time, Be Smart, Be ZiMM! Employers ZiMM - Smart Recruitment! Long gone are the days of trawling through endless piles of unqualified job applications. ZiMM streamlines the process via your mobile or desktop device.
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